
Dear Parents and Students:


Over the years, I have been writing about projects that my students and I have done.  As a trained photographer, I have also taken thousands of pictures and video segments to capture these projects.  Initially, I posted the writing, project assignments, reflections and student products on a web server in my classroom/lab/shop in Duxbury High School.  There have been many adjustments and transitions in where and how these writings are posted and distributed online.  


At this time, you can go to http://duxtech.pbwiki.com/ and view a wiki, or website that has links to each of the courses that I teach or have taught in the past five years.  In this collection of sites are also many other projects that my students and I have worked on in school and the community. 


Recently, I have been approached by Make Magazine and Craft Magazine editor Phillip Torrone who has asked me to write first for the Make blog, http://makezine.com/blog/ and soon for the print edition of the magazine.  My beat for this publication is hands on engineering education.  The magazines are an important voice in the DIY (Do It Yourself) movement.  They are published by O'Reilly Media http://oreilly.com/, one of the most influential publishers of technical manuals and information about how to do many things.


As I work with students in my classes, I often get great ideas about projects and questions that people could ask and answer through hands on activities.  I make photos and digital video with cameras that I keep with me daily.  When photographing students, I usually shoot in a way that does not reveal the student's identity.  If students are recognizable, I check with the family before making them public.


If you would like to see what I am writing, try out some of these links:

http://tinyurl.com/ChrisConnorsOnMakeBlog (this link searches O'Reilly Media for my name, the link is case sensitive)

http://fussingwithstuff.com/  -  A blog that I started several years ago initially as a way of experimenting with podcasting.

http://duxtech.pbwiki.com/ (this site has evolved over many years and is ready for a reorganization)

Duxtech Search - You can also search for the word 'duxtech' which will bring out many other items online from years of projects and postings.


So many of the youth in our society are living a robust online life, and I enjoy checking out and working with the powerful communications systems and tools that are finally available.  I feel that these online applications can be used very effectively to help people learn, remember and contribute to a diverse and thriving community of innovation.


I look forward to working with your son or daughter in class.


Mr. Chris Connors

Celebrating the Joy of Learning

Duxbury Middle School

Duxbury High School