We now have a backup system for storing your work. It is only accessible inside the school.
You should be keeping your work on a wiki or other online site.
You should still continue to send yourself periodic emails of your work.
To use the ftp account, follow the instructions below:
Open internet explorer on any xp machine
type or copy this address:
You should get a login screen
Your username is this school year (06) and semester (s or f) followed by your last name and first initial (no caps)
For example: 05sconnorsc
If you don't have a password, speak with Mr. Connors
When you press ok, you should see an empty folder the first time.
Find the folder with your work on the T drive of your computer
Drag your work into the folder in the ftp window.
When the files are done transferring, close the explorer window to break the connection.
Next time you start explorer, it should ask you for your username and password.
You should back up your work regularly, either every class, or at key moments of your project.
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