

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 10 months ago


It is a loosely structured collection of students working on various projects most afternoons in the Technology and Engineering Suite.


  • Drop by after school, if you don't already have a project, maybe you can start on a new idea.
  • Regular meetings will be about once a month.


Some of the projects:

Podcasts - The term didn't exist, but it turns out that the 'radio' project we started last year was a podcasting project.

Computer Aided Design - all the computers have Prodesktop loaded on them

Electric Car - Several students modified a powerwheels using wood and other materials.

CNC machining - Want to have the machine make the part? Learn some g code and cnc machining!

Electricity - Fully stocked we are with scads of tools and supplies. What do you want to do what you need?

Woodworking - The Technology and Engineering labs have lots of woodworking tools, bandsaw, drill press, router table, table saw, planer, jointer and more.


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