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Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 8 months ago

Dear Department Heads and Teachers:


It's that time of year again - time to showcase your department's elective offerings to the 8th grade class!


An Electives Assembly has been scheduled for:


MONDAY February 12th

12:40 to 1:50 pm

(this includes part of 3rd lunch and Period 6)

in the DMS Auditorium


This is the one and only time in which the 8th grade students can learn about the elective offerings at the high school, and about the many great programs which they can be a part of. This is also an excellent way to gather interest and excitement for your department.


We ask that your presentation be brief and under 5 minutes. Please bring a laptop which we can hook up to a projector and speakers if you have any mini presentation you would like to give. Also, feel free to bring any current students to speak to the 8th graders!


Please let me know if you plan on attending and if you need any special equipment. Also, if you have a preference for when you would like to present (right away... near the end... whenever...) please let me know.

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