

Page history last edited by c 16 years, 3 months ago




It is very important in the CommunityOfLearners to have more than one person in a leadership position. When all the decisions flow out of just one person, it is easy for people to lose their personal responsibility and power.


To help this leadership process, students will be encouraged to take on responsibilities in facilitating the learning and other tasks in the learning environment.


To have this system work, the potential leaders think about this important role in the community and consider both what can be done, and what must be done.


These roles are not dictatorial. Decisions need to be made collaboratively in a mutually respectful environment.


Benefits of effective Student Leaders

  • Students will be more empowered in their learning environment
  • A flatter hierarchy will encourage innovation and collaboration
  • Leaders and other members of the group will be more accustomed to different styles of cooperation


Places to begin developing these leaders:

  • Mediating group discussion
  • Developing project criteria
  • Overseeing the evaluation of group work
  • Fielding and resolving issues that require clarification




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