

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 5 months ago

Dear Parent:


Your son or daughter is enrolled in a one-semester course "Computer Technology and Keyboarding." Students will learn to improve their skill at the computer keyboard, but this course will be much more than a traditional typing course. My interests in computing range from how to use it effectively as a tool to gather and store information and how to use it to control output devices for creative use.


Over the past few years, I have been developing projects with youth involving a number of sophisticated uses of the computer. Together, we worked on developing a web sites, programming video games, building and programming robots and using the computer to design artwork that is then fabricated on computer controlled tools. I hope to bring some of these experiences into the Computer Technology and Keyboarding class. As much as possible, I will be using software and websites that are free to use and download at home.


The grading policies are set forth in enclosure #1. Please read and sign the Parent Confirmation letter #2.


Personally, I am excited to help your child learn how to make better use of the computer and other emerging technologies. Please contact me if you have any questions. The best way to contact me is via email at c_connors@duxbury.k12.ma.us


Thank you very much,



Christopher S. Connors




Please acknowledge receipt of this letter and enclosures by signing below and return with signed enclosure




Parent signature



Student name

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